Saturday, December 7, 2019

Owen Theorem Essay Example For Students

Owen Theorem Essay The purpose of this paper is to inform the reader how Dorethea Orems nursing theory has been used in research. Orem begin developing her theory in the 1950s, a time when most nursing conceptual models were based on other disciplines such as medicine, psychology and/or sociology (Fawcett, 2000). Orems theory is a three-part theory of self-care. The three theories that make up the general theory are: Self-Care, Self-Care Deficit, and Nursing Systems. The Self-Care theory states that adults deliberately learn and perform actions to direct their survival, quality of life, and well-being. Self-Care Deficit theory states that nursing is required because of the inability to perform self-care as the result of limitations. Nursing Systems theory is the product of nursing in nursing system(s) by which nurses use the nursing process to help individuals meet their self-care requisites and build their self-care or dependent-care capabilities. These three theories form the overall Self-Care Defici t Theory. (Alligood Tomey, 2001) Self-Care Deficit Nursing Theory (SCDNT) is an important component of nursings theoretical knowledge. It is a highly developed and formalized theoretical system that includes the philosophical foundation, the general theory of nursing with its constituent elements, and an expanding body of knowledge that includes empirical research. The conceptual structure of SCDNT is constituted from six core concepts (self-care, therapeutic self-care demand, self-care agency, self-care deficit, nursing agency, nursing system, and one peripheral concept -basic conditioning factors. (Taylor, Geden, Isaramalai , Wongvatunyu, 104)The capacity and ability of the individual to engage in self-care is termed self-care agency (SCA). The Therapeutic Self-Care Demand (TSCD) and SCA are influenced by a number of factors or variables referred to as basic conditioning factors (BCFs). The self-care system is an action system designed in response to the TSCD and is dependent on the quality of the individuals self-care agency. (Geden Taylor, 329)The first article we reviewed was titled An Empirical Test of a Self-Care Model of Womens Responses to Battering. Battering was conceptualized with Orems theory as a situation requiring therapeutic self-care. Based on Orems theory of self-care deficit a model of womens responses to battering was constructed. This model proposes that age, education, income, and cultural orientation are BCFs that directly related to relational conflict. This conflict would be negatively related to self-care agency and indirectly related to both outcomes of health and well-being. The proposed model suggests that the degree of relational conflict experienced by a woman in a battering situation is directly related to her ability to care for herself. Both frequency and severity of conflict and self-care agency were expected to influence the relationship of the BCF with health outcomes. Health and well-being were deduced as being related to self-care. Self-care agency is thought to be related to the same outcomes as self-care. Knowledge from prior testing of Orems self-care deficit theory, particularly related to the conceptual entities of self-care agency, health, and well-being, provided additional scientific support for formulating the hypothesized relationships among the variables. The endogenous variables are identified as health and well-being. These variables are hypothesized to be positively related to self-care agency alone. (Campbell Weber, 45)The final derivative model structure was different from that originally proposed. The theoretical base of the original model was an effort to extend Orems self-care deficit theory of nursing with the inclusion of relational conflict. Relational conflict was placed between the BCFs of age, education and culture, and self-care agency. Self-care agency was proposed to affect both well-being and health. In the final analysis, self-care agency explained 9% of the varianc e in the final model, with relational conflict explaining 39.9% and health, 51%. The BCFs age and education affected self-care agency which directly influenced health. (Campbell Weber, 51)Orems model is supported by these findings in terms of self-care agency having an effect on health. There was a strong correlation between a measure of the power components of self-care agency and self-esteem. This supported Orems description of self-care agency as structurally consisting of foundational capabilities, power components, and capabilities for self-care operations. (Campbell Weber, 45). However, for abused women, the relationship problems had a stronger effect on their physical and mental health then their ability to take care of themselves. The derivative model also supported relationships between basic conditioning factors and self-care agency as proposed by Orem. (Campbell Weber, 52)The next article we reviewed was Theoretical and Empirical Description of Adult Couples Collaborat ive Self-Care Systems. This article was a descriptive study of a collaborative care system (CCS) using Orems Self-Care Deficit nursing theory. Irony Of The Metamorphosis EssayCampbell, J., and Weber, N. (2000). An Empirical Test of a Self-Care Model of Womens Responses to Battering. Nursing Science Quarterly, 13:1, 45-53. Fawcett, J. (2000). Analysis and Evaluation of Contemporary Nursing Knowledge: Nursing Models and Theories. Philadelphia: F. A. Davis Company. Geden, E., Taylor, S. (1999). Theoretical and Empirical Description of Adult Couples Collaborative Self-Care Systems. Nursing Science Quarterly, 12:4, 329-334. Orem, D., Online (2000). International Orem Society Newsletter. Taylor, S. G., Geden, E., Isaramalai, S., and Wongvatunyu, S. (2000). Orems Self-Care Deficit Nursing Theory: Its Philosophic Foundation and the State of the Science. Nursing Science Quarterly, 13:2, April 103-110.

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